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Levels of catastrophe

These are the levels of catastrophe we defined. We don't consider inconveniences like only losing your laptop or your phone, or gradual health issues. We're talking about the big stuff that can take you out of the game.

Level of catastrophe Short description
Level 1 catastrophe You lose all your work hardware in a house fire: computers, mobile phone, NAS backup, documents... You're still there, but your capability to recover will depend on cloud / offsite backups, and passwords you can recover or remember.
Level 2 catastrophe After an accident, you are in a coma for 6 months. You're still there, but you can't answer any questions. Who will do the customer support, bug fixes, inventory management, fulfilment, operations?
Level 3 catastrophe You perish in an unfortunate accident. You're gone. All your bank accounts and credit cards are automatically closed. Your one-man company (if you have any) is automatically dissolved.